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Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents or car accidents occur daily in California, and many cause serious injuries such as broken or fractured bones, injuries to the spine and even head trauma. At Abgin Law, we can help the victims of those injured in a car accident obtain full and fair compensations for their damages and injuries.

Types of Vehicle Accident Claims We Accept at Abgin Law

  • Catastrophic accidents

  • Fatal accidents

  • Truck accidents

  • Motorcycle accidents

  • Bicycle accidents

  • Pedestrian accidents

  • Bus accidents

  • Hit-and-runs

  • Rear-end collisions

  • Rollovers

  • Auto defect accidents

  • T-bone accidents

  • Side-swipe accidents

  • Drunk driving accidents

  • Head on collisions

  • Low-impact collisions

  • Intersection accidents

  • Multicar accidents

  • Head-on collisions

Common Car Accident Injuries

The aftermath of a car accident can lead to serious injuries for those involved. When two vehicles collide, they often do so with enough force to toss vehicle occupants around inside the cars. The speed at which two cars collide is the equivalent of both of their individual speeds added together. These extreme forces exerted on vehicle occupants can lead to many serious injuries, including:

  • Bone fractures

  • Skull fractures

  • Concussions

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Whiplash

  • Muscle and tendon injuries

  • Back and spinal cord injuries

  • Paralysis

  • Internal organ damage

  • Amputations

  • Lacerations

  • Burns

  • Wrongful death

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Ligament Sprain

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Car Accidents


The aftermath of a car accident can lead to serious injuries for those involved. When two vehicles collide, they often do so with enough force to toss vehicle occupants around inside the cars. The speed at Car accidents have the potential to have a long lasting or permanent impact on your health. Beyond effects to one’s health, at Abgin Law we understand the headache associated with dealing with an accident from having to deal with bureaucratic insurance companies and adjusters to waiting days on end to get your car fixed. We give each of our clients specialized attention to their needs. We will work to establish liability on the other party so that you can obtain the maximum compensation for your injuries. If you or a loved one has been harmed in an accident, call our office today for a free consultation where we will help explore your options on how to proceed with a claim and give you as much support that you need in this critical time. which two cars collide is the equivalent of both of their individual speeds added together. These extreme forces exerted on vehicle occupants can lead to many serious injuries.

Motorcycle Accidents


Motorcycle accidents are a leading cause of serious personal injuries in California. The design of a motorcycle offers little to no protection for riders in accidents. Although a helmet can help protect a motorcyclist from head trauma, they are still prone to life-threatening injuries. When a distracted or negligent driver crashes into a motorcyclist, the injured victim has the right to file a claim. At Abgin Law, our team will work to get you the compensation you deserve.

Truck Accidents


While auto accidents can be disastrous for victims, those between passenger cars and commercial trucks are often more catastrophic than others. A big commercial truck can weigh several times more than the average vehicle. This mere size and weight inequality put the occupants of passenger vehicles at a drastic disadvantage in a motor vehicle collision. A big rig can cause catastrophic damage to the smaller vehicles, often resulting in debilitating, permanent or fatal personal injuries for occupants.

At Abgin Law, we will investigate the various state and federal rules and regulations that the trucking industry must abide by to help establish liability. These rules and requirements will have a significant impact on your case. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) oversees all trucking regulations within the United States. They work alongside state governments and various safety groups to make sure that there are reasonable and strong requirements that truck drivers and companies must follow.

An investigation into a truck accident will involve looking at the FMCSA’s rules when we are seeking to establish who was responsible. Of the many regulations that are specifically applied to trucks by state and federal governments, some would include:

  • Driver licensing and fitness – Driver’s must acquire appropriate commercial licenses, and having too many incidences on their record can keep them off the road.

  • Hours of service – Unlike normal motor vehicle drivers, the driving hours of truckers are regulated and closely monitored.

  • Vehicle fitness – Trucks must undergo regular inspections, and failure to meet certain scores can penalize the owners or keep them from driving.

  • Hazardous materials – Cargo that is deemed to be dangerous must be identified and properly hauled. Insurance requirements are more demanding for trucks hauling hazardous material.


Every truck accident is different. In some cases, the driver was clearly at fault, but other times it might be uncertain who holds responsibility. At Abgin Law, we will investigate what trucking regulations will come into play in your case and if there is a clear violation of a trucking industry standard, it might be easier for you to get the proper financial help you need in a quick settlement.

Bus Accidents


Establishing liability for a bus accident can be way more complicated than that of a typical car accident because usually there are more parties involved in operating and owning the bus. Parties that could be responsible for causing the accident could range from driver if the error was caused due to negligent or reckless driving, or the bus owners if inadequate inspection, maintenance, or repair caused the accident, or the drivers were insufficiently vetted and trained.


Oftentimes, these parties will have different insurance companies and different insurance policies. If an accident is determined to be the fault of a driver, a bus owner, and a maintenance company, for instance, they may all have separate insurance carriers and different policies. This can make pursuing justice for your injuries very complicated.

At Abgin Law, an experienced lawyer can help with this complexity. First, we will investigate to determine the true cause of bus accident and thereafter we will work with complicated third-party insurance claims to pursue the maximum compensation for your damages.

Drunk Driving


Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only illegal, but it places the lives of the driver, his or her passengers, and others at risk. When a person decides to get behind the wheel and drive despite being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he or she is acting in a grossly negligent manner.


People injured by a drunk or intoxicated driver have the right to file a claim for damages. The wrongdoer does not need to be convicted of a DUI for a civil lawsuit to be filed. Potential plaintiffs against the drunk driver could be passengers in the drunk driver’s vehicle, occupants of other vehicles, and pedestrians.


The plaintiff simply needs to prove that the driver was negligent under California law. A motorist is negligent when he or she:


  • Fails to use reasonable care to prevent harm to others, or

  • Is negligent “per se” by violating a statute, such as:

    • driving while under the influence,

    • refusing to take a DUI chemical test, or

    • Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”) in excess of California’s “legal limit”

Wrongful Deaths


A wrongful death claim is a claim filed against a person or entity that is responsible for the death of another.

The loss of a loved one to a wrongful death is devastating and comes with extensive financial and emotional consequences.


The loss of a loved one to wrongful death is something you never expect to happen, and despite the inevitable emotional challenges it is important to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible to obtain compensation for the surviving family members. 


The financial burdens associated with medical and funerary expenses as well as the loss of income can be devastating, and whether you are the surviving spouse, child or parents of the deceased you may recover the loss of the financial and emotional support formerly provided by the deceased, for emotional pain, and for the pain and suffering and medical bills of the deceased.


At Abgin Law we are dedicated to supporting you through this difficult time of loss and providing you with an extensive understanding of damages you may pursue.

Hit & Run


A hit and run is a crime whereby a driver who caused a car accident fled the scene without leaving behind driver information. A hit and run can be classified as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances of the situation. When a hit and run involves merely property it is charged as a misdemeanor if the value of the damage is less than a certain amount. On the other hand, if the hit and run caused and injury or a fatality to another person, it can be charged as a felony.


Just because the police failed to find the perpetrator of the hit and run does not mean that you won’t be able to recover your damages.


A common question that victims of a hit and run have after the accident is, who will I recover from?  The answer may be found in your own insurance coverage. If you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage then your insurance provider may offer a settlement within your policy limits. Here, the insurance company will handle your claim as if the driver of the hit and run vehicle stayed at the scene of the accident but failed to have any type of collision coverage.


Rideshare Accidents

Uber and Lyft are both billion-dollar companies, and anytime a claim is filed against they have the backing of huge insurance companies to represent them. As such, the liability of Uber can quickly become a complex legal issue. If you or a loved one are bringing forth an accident claim against Lyft or Uber as a passenger or driver in a rideshare accident or was hit by an Uber or Lyft driver, our attorneys have a deep and understanding of the laws and regulations as it pertains to ridesharing accident.


Uber and Lyft’s insurance policy coverage changes depending on whether the app is offline or the driver app is off, if you are available or waiting for a ride request, or en route to pick up riders or during trips.


Offline or the Driver app is off

  • Your chosen personal insurance company and coverages apply


Available or waiting for a ride request

Uber maintains the following auto insurance on your behalf in case of a covered accident:

Third-party liability if your personal auto insurance doesn’t apply¹

  • $50,000 in bodily injury per person

  • $100,000 in bodily injury per accident

  • $25,000 in property damage per accident


En route to pick up riders and during trips

Uber maintains the following auto insurance on your behalf in case of a covered accident:

  • $1,000,000 third-party liability

  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury and/or first-party injury insurance²

  • Contingent comprehensive and collision³

    • Up to actual cash value of car with a $2,500 deductible 


We have the skill, knowledge and determination needed to help represent victims of rideshare accidents to maximize their financial recovery. Call Abgin Law today for a free consultation on your Uber or Lyft accident claim.


Uninsured Motorists

California law requires that all drivers carry automobile insurance, but studies indicate that a large percentage of California drivers have no auto insurance and many more don’t have enough insurance to cover damages to bodily injury. At Abgin Law, we have the knowledge and skill to analyze your own insurance policy to determine how we can represent you against your own insurance company in order to file a claim for bodily injury. Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage allows a person who is injured by the negligence of an uninsured driver to recover monetary compensation under their own insurance policy just as if the other party had insurance. Call us today for a free consultation to see if you have applicable coverage to file an uninsured or underinsured motorist claim.


Premise Liability

Slip & Fall

Premises liability is a legal concept that arises in personal injury cases where the injury was caused by some type of unsafe or defective condition on someone else’s property. Anytime you enter the property or land of another, you can expect a certain degree of maintenance by the owner. If there has not been adequate maintenance and you get injured, you may have a premises liability case. As such, the property owner can be held responsible for your damages. 



There are many different types of premise liability accidents including

  • Slip and Fall

  • Dog Bites

  • Nursing Home Abuse

Premise liability cases can be difficult to prove because the burden of proof is on the injured victim to prove that but for the unsafe condition by the owner, there would have been no injury. As such, taking on a premise liability case can be complex and exacerbating since the defendants will look to blame you for the accident. At Abgin Law, we have the experience, skill and knowledge to put together a strong case for you through various evidence preservation and restructuring procedures and by establishing that there was notice of the dangerous condition to the owner. Call us today for a free consultation today.

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